Cooling bed sampling robot | PolyTEST

The developed robotic system allows to easily reach the best pick-up point, depending on the plant layout. The cut can be carried out using different techniques, based on the type of material, the cutting quality required or based on the target performance (Circular or band saw, Shear, oxyacetylene cutting torch, Laser) The vision system that performs 2D / 3D scanning, identifies the arrival position of the material to be cut and can integrate a partial control of the sample in terms of size. The option of the robot mounted on an autonomous vehicle allows the automated handling when samples need to be taken from different points of the plate or from different plates and the automated samples’ handling to the lab station.

Segno di spunta, tipo di carattere Wingdings, codice carattere 252 decimale. Safety, Reliability, Accuracy, Quality

Segno di spunta, tipo di carattere Wingdings, codice carattere 252 decimale. Adaptable to different plant layout

Segno di spunta, tipo di carattere Wingdings, codice carattere 252 decimale. 20 seconds of rolling pause compared to 120 seconds or more required for manual operation

Segno di spunta, tipo di carattere Wingdings, codice carattere 252 decimale.Earnings of 300 production hours / year