Robotic cell for billet marking | PolyMARK |

The robotic cells for products (billets slabs blooms) marking, PolyMARK, are smart robots able to mark low and high temperature products. This range of products can be implemented with 3D machine vision as well as with an OCR and camera readers for quality check and can use single or multi nozzle solutions based on customer needs.

Segno di spunta, tipo di carattere Wingdings, codice carattere 252 decimale.Laser marking available

Segno di spunta, tipo di carattere Wingdings, codice carattere 252 decimale.Customizable according to plant layout

Segno di spunta, tipo di carattere Wingdings, codice carattere 252 decimale.Traceabilty

watch our video
3 installation for Slab marking robot show hide
  • in progress - Acciaierie d'Italia
  • in progress - Acciaierie d'Italia
  • 2009 - ILVA S.p.A.