Production Tracking on Rolling Mill

The tracking system is developed according to the specific needs of the customer and consists of the product starting from the loading of the kiln up to the finished product (bars / reel / bundle). During the production process, all the most important and necessary events are stored in order to have a historical traceability of the product: temperatures, images, cage speed, measured measurements, product weights (inbound and outbound), production orders and issued daily reports . You can search for any finished product and check all the historicized data to carry out a quality analysis. The integration of an Automation Level 2 also allows functionality to automatically manage: recipes, stops, pieces produced, consumption (gas, gas leaks, current kilowatt cages), maintenance (mechanical wear of components). Thanks to these systems it is now possible to objectively certify the product.

7 installation for Production Tracking on Rolling Mill show hide
  • 2018 - Riva Forni Elettrici Thy Marcinelle
  • 2017 - Riva Forni Elettrici Cerveno
  • 2017 - Riva Forni Elettrici Thy Marcinelle
  • 2015 - Riva Forni Elettrici BES
  • 2012 - Riva Forni Elettrici Lesegno
  • 2012 - Riva Forni Elettrici BES
  • 2009 - Riva Forni Elettrici Iton Seine