ITALY. Carcano runs towards process’ digitalization and entrusts to Polytec the SAN MARCO 1 rolling mill upgrade. Most advanced technologies will be applied to improve speed, performances, usability, safety and machine updating of the 4-High Non-Reversing Foil Rolling Mill working 640/230x1500 mm diameter BUR Barrel Lenght. The revamping includes the replacement of medium voltage cells, MV / LV transformers, power drive panels with Siemens Sinamics Smart Line regenerative technology equipment and automation system PLC Siemens S7 1500 and WinCC Scada. For the rolling mill regulation system, Polytec will work together with Achenbach, global provider of non-ferrous metal rolling mills, that will provide proprietary know-how. This win-win collaboration has been strongly requested by the Italian aluminium laminates producer in order to obtain the best project’s result.